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nswedu.link was formed during the COVID-19 Pandemic after seeing lots of schools turning to various online platforms to share content with students, parents and colleagues. So often, these online platforms generate huge links! They are hard to copy and paste correctly; they are hard to remember and hard for students to write down!

We let you generate a professional-looking, relevant shortened URL, as an example, from https://hambledon-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/ to something like https://nswedu.link/hps

Whilst there are many services offering URL shortening, such as bitly.com and tinyurl.com, it became apparent trying to secure the short URL you want was becoming increasingly difficult; in the case of Bitly, you can pay to customise your URL but let’s face it as Teachers you already cough up enough of your own money on resources for our students! That’s where nswedu.link comes in; our service is 100% Free for NSW Public Schools! Yes, no catches, no gotchas, no spam 100% Free.

This service is run by educators for fellow educators in NSW Public Schools. This service is wholly funded by us and anyone kind enough to donate, it is in no way affiliated, supported or funded by our employer the NSW Department of Education. We try and leverage open-source technologies as much as possible and use a combination of projects which we have highly customised to deliver an experience suited to support educators.

If you would like to contribute and support the continuous operation of this service, please consider making a donation by clicking the PayPal link below.

Donate with PayPal

Your support is greatly appreciated, and it directly contributes to our ongoing projects aimed at supporting fellow educators.



Another R & J Production 2024